The Reed Wilson Case blog, managed by RWC, LLC Attorneys and Counselors at Law, serves as a comprehensive resource for individuals seeking insights into various legal domains. The blog covers a wide array of topics, including estate planning, elder law, probate, Medicaid, and real estate closings, reflecting the firm’s dedication to educating the public on these intricate subjects.

Probate Avoidance

Probate Avoidance Mistakes

Probate can be a complex and lengthy process that many people wish to avoid when planning their estates. While it’s possible to sidestep probate through various means, such as trusts, joint ownership, and beneficiary designations, individuals often make critical mistakes in their attempts to avoid probate that sometimes cause more harm than going through probate.…

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aretha franklin will

The Aretha Franklin Estate Dispute

P – R – I – V – A – C – Y The legal case for the Estate of Aretha Franklin ended yesterday with a finding that her hand-written 2014 Will that was found under a couch cushion is her valid Will. According to her long-time attorney, Aretha Franklin was too private to rely…

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Putting a Property in a Trust

Another Reason To Put Your Property In a Trust

If you are on the fence about whether setting up a Trust and putting your property in a Trust, is the right path for you, you can now add “being exempt from affirming that your house meets current fire safety codes” to the pros column. In our Practice, we help clients decide if setting up…

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Law Firm Internship at Reed Wilson Case

8 Things I Learned at My Law Firm Internship

Let me tell you about my Law Firm internship, the summer before I started my legal education journey. I decided that I wanted to further gain knowledge and understanding from a real-world professional. While I had little experience in the legal field, I was able to connect with Attorney Joan Reed Wilson, of Reed Wilson…

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does a will avoid probate court

Does a Will Avoid Probate?

Clients are often unpleasantly surprised to learn that having a Last Will and Testament does not negate the need for probate. And they are sometimes annoyed when they learn that even though they are named as the Executor in a Will, that alone does not give them authority to access the decedent’s assets. Yet both of these statements are true.

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beneficiary and heir difference

Beneficiary Vs Heir – What Is The Difference?

Whether you are putting together your own Will or standing to receive assets left to you by someone else, you may wonder what the actual difference is between a beneficiary vs an heir. Some people may use the terms interchangeably, however, heirs and beneficiaries are not the same thing. Not all heirs are beneficiaries, and…

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