Elder law firm handling medicaid, title, 19 and veterans benefits
Answer: Elder law is a specialized area of legal practice that focuses on the unique needs and challenges faced by older adults and their families. It encompasses a wide range of legal issues, including estate planning, long-term care planning, guardianship and conservatorship, Medicare and Medicaid, and elder abuse and neglect. It is important because it helps older adults and their families navigate complex legal issues and ensure that their rights and interests are protected.
Elder Law Attorney Explains 2024 In Numbers

Elder Law Attorney Explains 2024 In Numbers

We have everything you need to know right here! With this insightful breakdown by Elder Law Attorney Joan Reed Wilson, of elder law facts and figures in 2024. Understand how the latest elder law updates will affect you. Get informed and make sure your assets are protected! For those who enjoy numbers over words, this…

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8 Tips for Having ‘The Talk’ with Elderly Parents

Talking about estate planning is a difficult, emotional topic but it’s essential for every family. Unless you’re certain your parents have an up-to-date will and a wider plan for what should happen in the event of their passing, you shouldn’t assume everything will be taken care of. According to a 2021 survey, less than half…

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world alzheimers month

World Alzheimer’s Month: A Global Movement for Awareness and Understanding

What Is World Alzheimer’s Month? World Alzheimer’s Month is an annual international campaign that takes place every September to raise awareness about Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia. This global movement aims to challenge the stigma surrounding dementia, educate the public, and encourage governments and organizations to prioritize dementia research and care. With an…

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veteran benefits eligibility

Veterans Aid & Attendance Benefits Eligibility Guide

It has been nearly five years since the VA rules for Aid & Attendance benefits changed drastically. Among other things, the new rule imposed a 3-year look back for transfers of assets, including gifts to persons, trusts or purchases of annuities, deny claims for up to 10 years due to transfer and exempt the value…

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legal capacity and dementia

Legal Capacity and Dementia: What You Need to Know

Happy May! The month of Elder Law awareness. To begin the month, we wanted to discuss legal capacity and dementia. We sometimes hear from clients or their loved ones that they believe that a diagnosis of dementia means that the person cannot execute estate planning documents. This is not necessarily true. What Is Legal Capacity…

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