older couple looking at paperwork - difference between DNR and living will

DNR and Living Will: What You Need to Know

What Is The Difference Between DNR and Living Will? A DNR (Do Not Resuscitate) order is a medical directive that instructs healthcare providers not to perform CPR or other life-saving measures if a person’s heart stops or they stop breathing. A living will, on the other hand, is a legal document that outlines a person’s…

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Sign a DNR in Connecticut - wear a DNR bracelet

Do You Sign a DNR With Your Lawyer?

What is a DNR? “DNR” stands for Do Not Resuscitate and means that if you stop breathing, you will not be resuscitated. Most, otherwise healthy people, would want to be resuscitated if they collapsed and stopped breathing, for example, if they had a heart attack. Those who are terminally ill and are suffering may choose…

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