capital gains tax

How To Avoid Capital Gains the RIGHT Way

Even though it’s the shortest month of the year (even during a Leap Year!), February brings forth many significant milestones. Those of us in the northeast eagerly await the Groundhog’s report hoping for warmer days ahead, many people think of February as the month of love with Valentine’s Day on the 14th, it is often…

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Putting a Property in a Trust

Another Reason To Put Your Property In a Trust

If you are on the fence about whether setting up a Trust and putting your property in a Trust, is the right path for you, you can now add “being exempt from affirming that your house meets current fire safety codes” to the pros column. In our Practice, we help clients decide if setting up…

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i love you will

What Is An “I Love You” Will and When It’s a Bad Idea

Most couples have what I call “I Love You” Wills, which state that all of their assets pass to the surviving spouse. Moreover, many couples own all of their assets jointly, so the assets pass to the surviving joint owner even without a Will. This is usually the outcome that couples want, but there are…

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beneficiary and heir difference

Beneficiary Vs Heir – What Is The Difference?

Whether you are putting together your own Will or standing to receive assets left to you by someone else, you may wonder what the actual difference is between a beneficiary vs an heir. Some people may use the terms interchangeably, however, heirs and beneficiaries are not the same thing. Not all heirs are beneficiaries, and…

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