repair relationships

This Year, Resolve to Repair

January is a time of reflection and resolutions. People often think about goals for the new year, and relationship repair is one of the most admirable. We are also on the heels of many family gatherings, some of which may have been strained, awkward, or uncomfortable. In our practice, we see the lasting and detrimental…

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Retirement Income

Is Retirement Income Taxed in Connecticut?

Did you know that Connecticut law provides income tax exemptions for Social Security benefits, railroad retirement benefits, military retirement pay, pension and annuity income, teacher pension income, and individual retirement account (IRA) distributions? Currently, exemption eligibility and amounts are determined based on the type of pay and the taxpayer’s total federal adjusted gross income (AGI).…

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Elder Law Attorney Explains 2024 In Numbers

Elder Law Attorney Explains 2024 In Numbers

We have everything you need to know right here! With this insightful breakdown by Elder Law Attorney Joan Reed Wilson, of elder law facts and figures in 2024. Understand how the latest elder law updates will affect you. Get informed and make sure your assets are protected! For those who enjoy numbers over words, this…

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happy new year 2024 - get your estate planning documents in order as your new year resolution

6 Essential Estate Planning Goals for 2024

Have you made your list of New Year’s Resolutions for 2024 yet? Whether you started your list or not, let me help you with some inspiration – Estate Planning Goals should be at the top of the list! At the end of every year, we seem to think that “next year will be my year”…

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tips to talk to elderly parents

8 Tips for Having ‘The Talk’ with Elderly Parents

Talking about estate planning is a difficult, emotional topic but it’s essential for every family. Unless you’re certain your parents have an up-to-date will and a wider plan for what should happen in the event of their passing, you shouldn’t assume everything will be taken care of. According to a 2021 survey, less than half…

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