legal guardian of a child

How to Appoint a Legal Guardian for Your Minor Child in CT

Appointing a legal guardian for your minor child in Connecticut (CT) in the event of your death is a critical step to ensure their care and well-being. This process involves several legal steps and considerations to make sure your wishes are honored, and your child is placed in the care of someone you trust. Here’s…

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Probate Avoidance

Probate Avoidance Mistakes

Probate can be a complex and lengthy process that many people wish to avoid when planning their estates. While it’s possible to sidestep probate through various means, such as trusts, joint ownership, and beneficiary designations, individuals often make critical mistakes in their attempts to avoid probate that sometimes cause more harm than going through probate.…

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aretha franklin will

The Aretha Franklin Estate Dispute

P – R – I – V – A – C – Y The legal case for the Estate of Aretha Franklin ended yesterday with a finding that her hand-written 2014 Will that was found under a couch cushion is her valid Will. According to her long-time attorney, Aretha Franklin was too private to rely…

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Britney Spears Guardianship

Britney Spears Case Puts Renewed Focus on Guardianships

Britney Spears’s legal fight to take back control over her personal and financial affairs has put a spotlight on the issue of guardianship. Full guardianship of an adult may be necessary for many individuals who are incapable of managing their own affairs. This may be due to dementia or intellectual, developmental or mental health disabilities.…

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conservator of the person

Conservator of The Estate Vs. Conservator of The Person

There Are Two Basic Types of Conservatorships In Connecticut One to manage the conserved person’s financial affairs (Conservator of the Estate) and one to manage their personal affairs (conservator of the Person). The Probate Court may appoint two separate individuals to perform these roles or one person to oversee both. Conservator of The Estate The…

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