Elder law is an area of legal practice that specializes in issues that affect the elderly. The purpose of elder law planning is to prepare the elderly person for financial freedom and autonomy through proper financial planning and long-term care options.

retirement benefits

When To Apply For Social Security Retirement Benefits By Age

When Can You Apply For Social Security Retirement Benefits? The full retirement age (or “normal” retirement age) is currently 66, however, you can start collecting your social security retirement benefits as early as age 62. You won’t get the full amount you would be entitled to at your full retirement age, but under certain circumstances,…

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gift tax exemption and Medicaid

Gift Tax Exemption and Medicaid Eligibility Vlog

Myths and Misconceptions Vlog #3: I Can Gift $15,000 Per Year Without Penalty While many people are familiar with the gift tax exemption, it is often mixed up with the Medicaid five-year look-back rules. Watch the video below for the full explanation by attorney Joan Reed Wilson:     If you are having trouble viewing…

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Covid-19 vaccine

COVID-19 Vaccine – Who Gets it First?

Supply of the COVID-19 vaccine in the United States is expected to be pretty limited in the beginning. So The CDC (Center for Disease Control) has provided recommendations to federal, state, and local governments about who should get the vaccination first. CDC’s recommendations are based on the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP), an independent…

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Veterans Benefits Eligibility

Veterans Benefits Eligibility – Has Anything Changed?

On January 23, 2015, the Department of Veteran Affairs proposed a Veteran’s Benefits Eligibility Rule Change – RIN 2900-AO73, Net Worth, Asset Transfers, and Income Exclusions for Needs-Based Benefits. A rule that would, among other things, impose a 3-year look back for transfers of assets. Including gifts to persons, trusts, and purchases of annuities. The…

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