Estate Planning - Living Trust - Advanced Healthcare Directive - Power of Attorney

All the information you need about Wills, Power of Attorney, Healthcare Directives, Trusts and more, on our Estate Planning blog.

Jack and Diane John Cougar Mellencamp

The Real Diddy About Jack and Diane

Who Remembers Jack and Diane? Those two wild kids in love in John Cougar’s (before he admitted that his real last name was Mellencamp) 1980’s song, enjoying the carefree life of teenagers. Do you know what happened to Jack and Diane? Here’s the real ditty about Jack and Diane (lawyers always have to be the…

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people looking at paperwork - make a will month

August is “Make a Will” Month

August is national “Make A Will Month”. This is the perfect time to take a moment and review where your assets will be going after you are gone. No one likes to think of the end of life but without a solid plan, our loved ones can suffer the consequences. It may be easy to…

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