Elder law is an area of legal practice that specializes in issues that affect the elderly. The purpose of elder law planning is to prepare the elderly person for financial freedom and autonomy through proper financial planning and long-term care options.

task force to protect senior citizens

Joan Wilson Appointed To Task Force Protecting Seniors

Attorney Joan Reed Wilson, the managing partner of RWC, LLC Attorneys and Counselors at Law, has been appointed to the Task Force To Study Ways To Protect Senior Citizens From Fraud, by Speaker of The House, Matthew Ritter. Attorney Wilson was recommended by representative Quentin Phipps, who currently serves as the co-chair of the aging…

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caregiver agreement

What Is a Caregiver Agreement and Why It’s Important

A caregiver agreement is a legal document that outlines the terms of care between a caregiver and the care recipient. Are you a caregiver or care recipient? A caregiver agreement can help protect both parties and ensure clear expectations. Learn why it’s important and how to create one. Most adult children feel the need and…

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what is a non borrowing spouse of a Reverse Mortgage holder

What Is a Non-Borrowing Spouse of a Reverse Mortgage?

The federal government has expanded access to protections for the non-borrowing spouse of a reverse mortgage holder who is not named in the loan document, allowing more such spouses the ability to stay in their home if the borrowing spouse dies or moves to a care facility. Reverse Mortgage Protection Prior To 2014 A reverse…

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Joan Reed Wilson - President Elect of NAELA

Elder Law Attorney Joan Wilson Is President-Elect of NAELA

RELEASE: Connecticut’s elder law attorneys group elects new leadership The Connecticut chapter of the National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys (CT-NAELA) announced that new members have been elected to key leadership posts. Attorney Joan Reed Wilson, the managing partner of RWC, LLC Attorneys and Counselors at Law, has been selected as president-elect. Who Is Attorney…

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