what is probate - ct probate for dummies

Connecticut Probate Process For Dummies

If you are like most people, just the word Probate sounds so menacing that it can make your head spin. What is probate? Do you always go through probate when someone dies? Which assets get probated and which ones don’t? Do I need a probate attorney? How much does it cost? How long will it…

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statutory power of attorney

Statutory Power of Attorney Issues With Self Dealing

Today’s video talks about the language of a statutory power of attorney document and the limitations it has when it comes “self dealing”. Essentially, your Power of attorney may not have the ability to transfer assets to themselves. This becomes a problem when you have a couple who are each other’s POAs. I hope this…

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documents for college students - Ava Stearns signing documents

Why a Young Adult Needs a Power of Attorney

A power of attorney allows a young adult to appoint someone they trust. To make important financial and legal decisions on their behalf if they become incapacitated or unable to make decisions for themselves. This can be especially important for young adults who are away at college or living independently for the first time. Without…

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the reading of the will is not real

Who’s Invited To a Reading of the Will?

Have you heard of the “READING OF THE WILL”? Of course, you have! because it has been a scene in many TV shows and movies. After someone dies, the lawyer hosts a meeting in his (usually “his” because, well, you know, but that’s a topic for another time…) office. Everyone who had a relationship with…

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