What to include in a will

What To Include In a Will – A Simple Checklist

The first question you need to ask yourself is if the last will and testament the only thing you need. The reason why most people don’t ask themselves this question is because they are not aware that there is anything else. In most cases, if you think you need a will, you probably need an…

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digital assets

How To Keep Your Digital Assets In The Family

What Are Digital Assets? The definition of a digital asset is “anything that exists in binary data which is self-contained, uniquely identifiable, and has a value or ability to use.” Digital assets include but are not exclusive to digital documents, audible content, and motion picture. As well as other relevant digital data that exist on…

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primary v contingent beneficiary

Primary v Contingent Beneficiary

What Is The Difference Between Primary v Contingent Beneficiaries? A primary beneficiary is a person or entity who is first in line to receive assets upon the death of the policyholder or account owner. A contingent beneficiary is a person or entity who is next in line to receive the assets if the primary beneficiary…

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who will inherit my house when i die

The Truth About How Your Assets Are Distributed After You Die

Does Your Will Determine Who Inherits Your Assets When You Die? Last month I discussed how clients are often unpleasantly surprised to learn that having a Last Will and Testament does not negate the need for probate. Many people also incorrectly believe that the Will is KING. They think that the terms of the Will…

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the reading of the will is not real

Who’s Invited To a Reading of the Will?

Have you heard of the “READING OF THE WILL”? Of course, you have! because it has been a scene in many TV shows and movies. After someone dies, the lawyer hosts a meeting in his (usually “his” because, well, you know, but that’s a topic for another time…) office. Everyone who had a relationship with…

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Jack and Diane John Cougar Mellencamp

The Real Diddy About Jack and Diane

Who Remembers Jack and Diane? Those two wild kids in love in John Cougar’s (before he admitted that his real last name was Mellencamp) 1980’s song, enjoying the carefree life of teenagers. Do you know what happened to Jack and Diane? Here’s the real ditty about Jack and Diane (lawyers always have to be the…

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